
Metenolone enanthate 100 mg/ml
Potency : 100 mg/ml
Appearance: Oil based solution.
Packing: 1ml *10 clear glass ampoules*
Indications: Low aromatization, very safe to use, great during cutting diet to prevent muscle mass, perfect for bridging between steroid cycles, no liver toxicity.

Drostanolone propionate 100 mg/ml
Potency : 100 mg/ml.
Appearance: Oil based solution.
Packing: 1ml *10 clear glass ampoules*
Indications: Drostanolone Propionate is indicated for treatment of breast cancer in elderly post-menopausal as part of aspecific immunotherapy.

Test C-250
Testosterone cypionate 250 mg/ml
Potency : 250 mg/ml.
Appearance: Oil based solution.
Packing: 1ml *10 clear glass ampoules*
Indications: Testosterone cypionate is used in males that present conditions derived from a deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone. These conditions are 1) primary hypogonadism, defined as the testicular failure due to cryptorchidism, bilateral torsion, orchitis, vanishing testis syndrome or orchidectomy; and 2) hypogonadotropic hypogonadism characterized by idiopathic gonadotropin, LHRH deficiency or pituitary-hypothalamic injury from tumors, trauma or radiation.

Boldenone undecylenate 250 mg/ml
Potency : 250 mg/ml.
Appearance: Oil based solution.
Packing: 1ml *10 clear glass ampoules*
Indications: Boldenone undecylenate is an anabolic steroid indicated for treatment of muscle atrophy in cancer patients and HIV/AIDS patients.

Stanozolol 50 mg/2 ml
Potency : 50 mg/ml.
Appearance: A white aqueous solution.
Packing: 2ml *10 clear glass ampoules*
Indications: Promotes a hard and dry look. Increases vascularity, strength and pump. Great for competition. No liver toxicity.

Nandrolone decanoate 250 mg/ml
Potency : 250 mg/ml.
Appearance: Oil based solution.
Packing: 1ml *10 clear glass ampoules*
Indications: Nandrolone decanoate is indicated for treatment of anemia’s, breast carcinoma, hereditary angioedema, antithrombin III deficiency, fibrinogen excess, growth failure and Turner’s syndrome and prophylaxis of hereditary angioedema..

Test S-50
Testosterone suspension 50 mg/2 ml
Potency : 50 mg/ml.
Appearance: A white aqueous solution.
Packing: 2ml *10 clear glass ampoules*
Indications: Testosterone is the classic among the anabolics. It can be combined with many products and can thus be used for different purposes. In itself, it causes a large increase in muscle mass and muscle strength.

Tren E -200
Trenbolone enanthate 200 mg/2 ml
Potency : 200 mg/ml.
Appearance: Oil based solution.
Packing: 1ml *10 clear glass ampoules*
Indications: trenbolone enanthate is indicated in treatment of severe muscular dystrophy and severe unrelated muscular catabolism as well as acute growth failure.

Tren A-100
Trenbolone acetate 100 mg/ml
Potency : 100 mg/ml.
Appearance: Oil based solution.
Packing: 1ml *10 clear glass ampoules*
Indications: Trenbolone Acetate is indicated for treatment of severe cachexia resulting from AIDS, severe illness or unexplained medical reasons.

Test P-100
Testosterone propionate 100 mg/ml
Potency : 100 mg/ml.
Appearance: Oil based solution.
Packing: 1ml *10 clear glass ampoules*
Indications: Testosterone propionate is used primarily in androgen replacement therapy. It is specifically approved for the treatment of hypogonadism in men, breast cancer, low sexual desire, delayed puberty in boys, and menopausal symptoms.